World UFO Day 2024 – Tuesday, July 2! Happy World UFO Day 2024 Date, History, Celebration Ideas, Theme, Facts, Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Photos, Greetings, Pic, Sayings, Images, Captions, Pictures, Funny SMS.
What is UFO?
The word UFO—or unidentified flying object—refers to a presumed alien spacecraft throughout mainstream pop culture, but its meaning includes any inexplicable flying phenomenon. UFO sightings have been claimed across different regions of the globe throughout recorded human history, expressing doubt about extraterrestrial life as well as whether alien beings have landed on Earth. Especially with the advent of rocketry after World War II, UFOs became a huge center of conversation and also acted as a catalyst behind the basis for several movies and books.
What is World UFO Day?
Each year on July 2nd, World UFO Day is recognized and commemorated to promote awareness regarding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and alien life forms. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness and engage folks in the discussion of UFOs, flying saucers, and encounters of dazzling blue light in the sky that have garnered worldwide attention. Several countries observe World UFO Day on June 24 since it happened to be that precise date when pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed the first UFO sighting in the United States (US). Others commemorate this special day on July 2nd, the anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.
For hundreds of years, UFOs have been considered as wishful fantasies which border on the arena of legendary kinds of stuff, however, fast-forwarding to 1950 was the year when outlandish flying saucers captured national and international widespread attention. Ever since that time, UFOs have piqued the interest of both young and old people, and eyewitness reports have spread globally.
World UFO Day brings people together to seek UFOs in the skies on the same evening, but that’s not its primary aim. Most people regard the occasion as an opportunity to share awareness and understanding about UFOs, establishing a justification for their reality and seeking to convert the skeptical. So, why the 2nd of July? This date commemorates the infamous 1947 occurrence in Roswell, New Mexico. According to supporters, a UFO crashed here in the American southwest, however, the authorities have been hiding the truth ever since. We are very interested in knowing what’s your take on that.
When is World UFO Day 2024 USA?
Tuesday, July 2 is the official celebration date of Happy World UFO Day 2024 in the United States.

Who Initiated World UFO Day?
Around 2001, the World UFO Day Organization (WUFODO) agreed to observe this day on July 2. Since most UFO aficionados met on this day to exhibit solidarity towards the ‘proof’ of extraterrestrial life.
Brief Illustration of World UFO Day
World UFO Day: Overview |
Name of Day | World UFO Day |
Created By | World UFO Day Organization |
Observed On | 2nd of July |
Significance |
To raise awareness and engage folks in the discussion of UFOs and to urge governments to make their information about UFO sightings known. |
Celebration Location | The US. |
History Of World UFO Day
Hakan Akdogan, a UFO researcher, established the first World UFO Day in 2001. As previously stated, the day was previously observed on two days: June 24 and July 2.
Throughout the early 1990s, 9 odd objects appeared over Washington on June 24, as per aviator Kenneth Arnold. In contrast, July 2 is marked as UFO Day to celebrate the alleged 1947 UFO crash around Roswell, New Mexico.
The World UFO Day Organization (WUFODO) designated July 2 as World UFO Day. As per them, it must have been performed to clear up any confusion. According to WUFODO, one of the objectives for celebrating World UFO Day is to raise awareness of “the undeniable existence of UFOs and, with them, intelligent life forms beyond outer space.” Furthermore, it is stated that honoring this day urges governments to make their information about UFO sightings known.
On this day, UFO aficionados and followers throw themed parties and have talks regarding UFO tales and conspiracy theories. They congregate around telescopes to observe the sky. Science fiction reading sessions and movie screenings of space exploration flicks have grown commonplace at gatherings in recent years.
How to Celebrate World UFO Day 2024?
Host A “Welcome to Earth” Celebration.
If you’re looking for an excuse to have a bash, here is the place to be. Alien and UFO outfits appear to be bizarre and amusing, as well as the dining options are limitless. Alien cupcakes featuring green icing, red jello with hanging space rockets, or perhaps even readymade moon pies are all excellent choices.
Conduct Some Investigational Research
There are already enough myths, mythology, and real scientific discoveries about UFOs and space research to hold your interest for a day. Make use of the web’s potential to differentiate reality from fiction, then try forming your own hypotheses about whether the truth is truly out there. Prior to actually retiring for the evening, gaze up into the night sky. Chances are you rarely can anticipate what you’ll find.
Hold A UFO Film Marathon.
Check out some UFO footage from various eras based on how far back you wish to go. The Flash Gordons of the 1930s defined the genre. The narrative of the Martian Marauders, popular in the 1950s and 1960s, might seem unbearably cheesy to you, but having like-minded buddies over to watch it with you. Take your selection, lay quietly, and launch off, or relax for the aesthetically breathtaking movies.
Spread the Enthusiasm
Chances you want to find your folks, who are into UFO kinds of stuff passionately. This day is your chance to find those folks. All you have to do is share your enthusiasm through pictures, posts, videos, or interesting trivia over your social media accounts containing the hashtag of #WorldUFODay and spread the joyful madness!
Why We Love to Celebrate World UFO Day
Around July 2, everybody is given permission to explore widely, imaginatively, and maybe even in an untraditional manner. World UFO Day invites us all to question conventional wisdom, and for once, perhaps it’s good for our brains to wander off into space. The more we study complex, space-age technologies, the more breakthroughs we make that have an impact on our daily life. UFO perception has resulted in several of the biggest blockbusters of the last few decades.
Hollywood is likely to come up with even more amazing concepts if the enthusiasm regarding these phenomena never dies down. While UFO films were formerly considered solely campy sci-fi, films such as Alien, Arrival, and Interstellar have catapulted their appeal into the stratosphere. Now please don’t tell us that you didn’t like Interstellar, we would understand if you didn’t understand but disliking is something we are not going to bear on World UFO Day!
What are the Upcoming Celebratory Dates of World UFO Day?
Year | Date | Day |
2022 | July 2 | Saturday |
2023 | July 2 | Sunday |
2024 | July 2 | Tuesday |
2025 | July 2 | Wednesday |
2026 | July 2 | Thursday |
General Disclaimer: Every year, the United States celebrated over 1,600 National Days. So, Don’t miss a single Celebration Day. Chill, Enjoy, and Celebrate Every Day with National Day Time!