National Airborne Day 2023 – Wednesday, August 16! National Airborne Day is an exciting holiday, which is commemorated on August 16th every year and is intended to be a moment to recognize the incredible achievements of airborne personnel in the U.S army. This particular holiday is a time to recognize veterans from various airborne units and give them a little love and appreciation for the sacrifices they’ve made to preserve all we hold dear. What most often happens on National Airborne Day, is families will gather near an airplane and fly into a remote area where they’ll meet with members of the unit.
Often, this special event is organized by members of the unit, but it may also be hosted by a local veteran’s association or other organization. Once there, the guests are given an opportunity to meet and greet the newest members of the force as they come to share their memories of the past, as well as look forward to the future.
When is National Airborne Day 2023?
Wednesday, August 16 is the official celebration date of Happy National Airborne Day 2023 in the United States (U.S.).

National Airborne Day History, Theme, Facts, Significance & Celebration Ideas:
There are many ways to observe National Airborne Day, but the best way to kick off the celebrations is by honoring veterans. While every state celebrates its own national airborne day, there is no better way to spread the word about the day than to honor a fallen soldier. Since National Airborne Day was formed back in 1918, it has always been a time to show gratitude to the troops. Today, there are several ways people can make this happen. One way is to organize a parachute jump. Every year, thousands of soldiers who have survived WWII join forces with others to perform massive parachute jumps over the nation.
There are quite a few National Airborne Day celebrations worldwide, but none are as exciting or memorable as the ones organized by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Hundreds of soldiers take off each year for a week-long adventure that includes camping, speeches, entertainment, and much more. For those who cannot attend any of these events, the Internet provides a nice venue for viewing highlights of this annual event. Those who want to celebrate National Airborne Day in person can check with local chapters of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to find out if there are additional events in their area.
One interesting tradition that has been around for decades is National Airborne Day festivities in honor of the 82nd airborne division. This group of patriotic volunteers was created specifically to raise money for veterans and their families. Every year, various veterans’ organizations to stage a competition so that the public can support these noble institutions while also showing their appreciation for the many sacrifices that these brave individuals made for their country. The presentations usually involve several activities, including a paragliding competition, a military trivia contest, and an awards ceremony.
Although National Airborne Day was officially created in 1919, it has become a highly popular observance in recent years. It originated from a conviction that the soldiers who risk their lives in combat deserve something in return for their service. Each year, thousands of people take part in activities and ceremonies that pay tribute to the fallen soldiers and their actions during World War I and World War II. The United States Army Corp of Engineers has even created a National Airborne Day in recognition of those who risk their lives for the safety of the nation. Many other associations celebrate this glorious occasion with great fondness every year.
National Airborne Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Images, Memes, Gif, Greetings, Sayings, Status, Captions 2023:
Happy National Airborne Day to everyone. Let us come together to thank our American troops for all their service and passion.
On the occasion of National Airborne Day, let us make this day a perfect one by taking inspiration from our American airborne troops.
Wishing everyone on the occasion of National Airborne Day. This day reminds us how American airborne troops have been there for protecting us all the time.
Let us go skydiving on the occasion of National Airborne Day to celebrate this important occasion and make it a memorable one.
It is time to visit the airborne museum on the occasion of National Airborne Day. Wishing everyone on this important occasion.
The occasion of National Airborne Day reminds us of the hard work and dedication of our airborne troops in the success of our country.
Wishing everyone on the occasion of National Airborne Day. Let us thank our airborne troops for always keeping our skies protected.
Celebration date of National Airborne Day:
Year | Date | Day |
2022 | August 16 | Tuesday |
2023 | August 16 | Wednesday |
2024 | August 16 | Friday |
2025 | August 16 | Saturday |
2026 | August 16 | Sunday |
General Disclaimer: Every year, the United States celebrated over 1,600 National Days. So, Don’t miss a single Celebration Day. Chill, Enjoy and Celebrate Every Day with National Day Time!