National Adoption Day 2023 – Saturday, November 18! National Adoption Day is a day that is and should be celebrated continuously as long as there are children in foster care. It’s a celebratory holiday which is arranged for 21st November each year. During this day lots of events are held across the whole US. Diverse communities and courts combined their efforts to help the children in foster care to find suitable families. In fact, during last year four thousand children were finalized for adoption on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
When is National Adoption Day 2023 USA?
National Adoption Day’s celebration falls on each year’s Saturday before Thanksgiving. This year, the Happy National Adoption Day 2023 official celebration date is Saturday, November 18.

History of National Adoption Day
It is kind of sad to know that more than 125000 children are still stuck in foster care in the US. A former judge of the Los Angeles Court’s Juvenile Court named Michael Nash was the person behind the initiation of the first National Adoption Day celebration. He started a collective effort on his court involving the court personnel and finalized the adoption to reduce the backlog in the court. This session was on Saturday. Various foundations across the country came forward with national adoption agencies and started the foundation of an event held on National Adoption Day.
Since its inception, diverse policymakers, advocates as well practitioners come forward together to plan this annual event holiday. It is done through 400 cities across the US. All thanks to the National Adoption Day events- 75000 children were adopted from foster care.
How to Celebrate National Adoption Day 2023?
- Volunteer in an event
Various events across the whole country are arranged on the day. You can choose to volunteer in one on this day. Some of the foundation and agencies which holds such events are- the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, the Children’s Action Network and The Alliance for Children’s Rights etc. You can be a part of these events by getting involved for fundraising, attending rallies or simply being a volunteer activist in an event on the given. We can assure you that would be a wholesome way to celebrate the day.
- Share on Social Media
This day needs as much as exposure, awareness and involvement as possible. So, one of the ways you can do that is by sharing your involvement and inviting others to join in the social media as well. You should hashtag #NationalAdoptionDay in your posts.
- Consider adopting a child
If you are a person who wants and feels capable enough to adopt a child for raising purposes, you should take the leap on this day. If you are serious about this, we are proud of you. The world is going to be a better place since people like you exist.
Why do we love to celebrate National Adoption Day and Why It’s So Important?
The day originated with a noble purpose to spread love and change lives. It’s a much-needed celebratory day as people with or without children can welcome children in their families. In exchange children without a home get to have a loving family and riddance from foster care. On this day, we get to enjoy raw, selfless and life-affirming moments in front of our very eyes. What can be more amazing than that?
National Adoption Day 2023 Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, Memes Greetings, Sayings, Status, Captions:
Giving birth doesn’t make anyone a mother, but the love and care you give make it. Happy adoption day.
A miracle can happen anytime! Adopting a child is what you call a miracle.
Motherhood is decided in heaven and adopted on the earth.
Adoption makes you a great and special parent than any normal parent.
Take the risk of adoption and get away from the fear of no one loving foster care children.
Making a child grow in your heart and not in your tummy is called adoption.
Sometimes it is worth waiting to have a blessing. Have a great adoption day.
Not from my flesh, not from my blood, but my own!
The adoption might take time, but love is instant.
Adopting a child is as wonderful and beautiful as you get it from any other way.
You may not resemble your parents, but you have their hearts.
Anyone can say ‘I love you, but proving it through adoption is what it means.
A family is not made by sharing blood, but with the one who gives you blood!
An alternative word for love is adoption.
A child’s world will change when you adopt it and for the world, it might not be a change.
Love always leads to great miracles. Happy adoption day.
A great way to build a family is adoption.
Life sometimes gives surprise gifts and adoption is one of them!
Don’t be ashamed of adopting a child. Inspire others. Happy adoption day!
Providing a safe and secure world is love. Be an inspiration on adoption day.
National Adoption Day Dates:
Year | Date | Day |
2021 | November 20 | Saturday |
2022 | November 19 | Saturday |
2023 | November 18 | Saturday |
2024 | November 23 | Saturday |
2025 | November 22 | Saturday |
Conclusion: Let’s hashtag it out on the coming National Adoption Day and spread awareness, love, and involvement to make the world a bit better place than it already is. Your involvement matters, so thank you.
General Disclaimer: Every year, the United States celebrates over 1,600 National Days. So, Don’t miss a single Celebration Day. Chill, Enjoy, and Celebrate Every Day with National Day Time!